7 Celebrities Share Their Encounters With Ghostly Lovers

7 Celebrities Share Their Encounters With Ghostly Lovers

We explore the intriguing and sometimes controversial topic of spectrophilia, which refers to the sexual attraction between ghosts and people. While some may dismiss these accounts as purely imaginative or attention-seeking, there are a number of celebrities who claim to have had intimate encounters with supernatural entities. This article delves into the experiences of seven famous individuals who have openly shared their encounters with ghostly lovers.

1. Kesha:

filmiii-7 Celebrities Share Their Encounters With Ghostly Lovers

Pop star Kesha recounts her encounter during a 2012 appearance on the show “Conan.” She describes how she felt the presence of a ghost in her house, which proceeded to caress her in a sensual manner. She emphasizes that while it was a pleasurable experience, it wasn’t actual physical intercourse.

2. Anna Nicole Smith:

filmiii-7 Celebrities Share Their Encounters With Ghostly Lovers

The late Playboy model Anna Nicole Smith claimed to have had a particularly kinky sexual encounter with a ghost in an interview with FHM magazine. She believed a spirit would crawl up her leg and engage in sexual acts with her. Despite the initial shock, Smith found solace in the fact that the ghost never harmed her and provided her with pleasurable experiences.

3. Bobby Brown:

filmiii-7 Celebrities Share Their Encounters With Ghostly Lovers

In his autobiography, “Every Little Step: My Story,” Bobby Brown writes about a haunted house he lived in and the paranormal experiences he encountered. He shares a vivid account of being physically engaged by a ghostly presence while lying in bed. Brown insists that this encounter was not drug-induced and left him simultaneously excited and terrified..

4. Lucy Liu:

filmiii-7 Celebrities Share Their Encounters With Ghostly Lovers

Actress Lucy Liu revealed in a 1999 interview with Us Weekly that she was visited by a spirit during a nap. She describes the encounter as a spiritual being descending upon her, engaging in consensual lovemaking, and then gently floating away. According to Liu, the encounter was a profound and blissful experience.

5. Natasha Blasick:

filmiii-7 Celebrities Share Their Encounters With Ghostly Lovers

Actress Natasha Blasick, known for her role in “Paranormal Activity 2,” shared her story on the British TV show “This Morning” in 2014. She recounts feeling touched and pushed by an invisible force while lying in bed. Initially confused, Blasick decided to relax, and the experience became incredibly pleasurable. This encounter solidified her belief in the existence of a supernatural realm.

6. Coco Austin:

filmiii-7 Celebrities Share Their Encounters With Ghostly Lovers

Reality star Coco Austin claims to have experienced a perverted ghost in broad daylight. Austin recalled sitting on her couch, wearing a nightie, when she felt her dress being pulled up by an unseen force. She also sensed someone breathing in her ear. Austin believes her disbelief in ghosts, unlike her husband Ice T, may have discouraged further occurrences.

7. Dan Aykroyd:

filmiii-7 Celebrities Share Their Encounters With Ghostly Lovers

Famous for his role in “Ghostbusters,” Dan Aykroyd admitted to several supernatural encounters in a 2013 interview with Esquire magazine. He describes seeing objects move and doors open and close seemingly by themselves. Aykroyd even recalls feeling the presence of a male ghost in his bed, to which he responded by snuggling up next to it. He humorously speculates on the interests of the ghost, suggesting it might have been seeking companionship.

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