Inside the World of an NYC Underground Sex Club: A Bartender’s Perspective

Inside the World of an NYC Underground Sex Club: A Bartender’s Perspective

In a recent episode of the podcast “Other People’s Lives,” an anonymous bartender from an underground sex club in Manhattan has shared her experiences, shedding light on the taboo world beyond closed doors. This article provides an in-depth exploration of the insights and revelations presented by the bartender, giving readers a glimpse into the unique aspects of this secretive establishment.

filmiii-Inside the World of an NYC Underground Sex Club: A Bartender's Perspective

The Anonymous Bartender’s Role:

The anonymous bartender, who previously worked in the porn industry, offers a first-hand account of her job at the sex club. She primarily serves as topless “eye candy” while mixing and serving drinks for the clientele. The club operates on a BYOB basis, but the staff is responsible for preparing and serving the beverages. The bartender describes her role as being part of the club’s allure, with some customers even engaging in sexual acts at the bar while looking directly at her.

filmiii-Inside the World of an NYC Underground Sex Club: A Bartender's Perspective
Joe Santagato, co-host of “Other People’s Lives

Club Policies and Clientele:

Unlike other exclusive clubs that cater specifically to couples and women, this particular establishment allows single men entry for a fee. However, the bartender reveals that single men often strike out and struggle to find partners within the club. On nights when the venue is predominantly filled with men, the chances of success diminish significantly. Despite this, law enforcement officers are frequent patrons, given their ability to generate business by inviting their colleagues to visit the club.

The Security Guards:

The bartender discloses that the club employs attractive and muscular security guards who often catch the attention of female patrons. These guards consistently benefit from their desirable appearance, engaging in sexual encounters during their shifts. The clientele views them as objects of desire, adding to the overall atmosphere of the club.

filmiii-Inside the World of an NYC Underground Sex Club: A Bartender's Perspective
Podcast co-host Greg Dybec fired off questions to the bartender, who appeared as a guest on the episode.

Club Atmosphere and Clean-Up:

Located amidst Midtown’s towering skyscrapers, the sex club is adorned with erotic art and features mattresses scattered throughout the space. To maintain cleanliness, the club has a designated individual referred to as the “porter.” This porter swiftly attends to the aftermath of sexual encounters, replacing soiled bedsheets, cleaning up used condoms, and mopping the floors.

The Challenge of Shy Patrons:

Despite the provocative ambiance, the bartender notes that some guests struggle to become comfortable or initiate intimate activities. Particularly on nights with inexperienced or shy individuals, the atmosphere can resemble that of an awkward junior high school dance, with most people hesitating to engage fully. However, the club owner intervenes to break the ice, often arriving with his girlfriend and kickstarting the festivities.


The revelations shared by the anonymous bartender offer a rare and intriguing glimpse into the world of an underground sex club in New York City. The article portrays the various aspects of the club, including its open-door policy for single men, the presence of law enforcement as patrons, the role of security guards, the efforts to maintain cleanliness, and the occasional challenge of creating a comfortable atmosphere. Despite the explicit nature of the establishment, it is essential to approach the subject with respect and an understanding of diverse human experiences and desires.

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