Man Brags About Cheating on “Unattractive Fat Wife”

Man Brags About Cheating on “Unattractive Fat Wife”

In a shocking and disturbing Reddit post that has ignited a firestorm of controversy and criticism, an anonymous individual brazenly admitted to cheating on his wife, describing her as “fat” and “unattractive.” The post, filled with body-shaming and derogatory comments, not only highlights the disturbing mindset of the husband but also sheds light on the complexities and challenges that can arise in long-term relationships. This article delves into the details of the post, the public’s reaction, and the broader issues surrounding narcissism, infidelity, and marital struggles.

filmiii-Man Brags About Cheating on "Unattractive Fat Wife"

The Anonymous Redditor’s Confession:

The Reddit post begins with the man, whose identity remains concealed, openly declaring, “I can’t stop cheating on my fat useless ugly wife, and I don’t feel bad.” This candid admission immediately sets the tone for a disturbing narrative that unfolds, revealing the author’s shallow and hurtful perspective on his marital relationship.

The man goes on to provide some background information about their marriage. He states that the couple tied the knot in their early 20s and had been together for 15 years, with the first seven being “pretty good.” During this time, they supported each other through their respective educational pursuits. He attended med school while his wife pursued business school. The couple also shares a 4-year-old child.

Body Shaming and Superficial Judgments:

The post takes a toxic turn when the author begins to body-shame his wife. He claims that his wife had gained weight and describes her as having “ballooned into a f**king pig.” He expresses his dissatisfaction with her appearance and criticizes individuals who embrace body positivity, labeling it as “disgusting” and “unhealthy.” The author’s harsh judgments extend to his wife’s eating habits, claiming that she consumes excessive amounts of food while watching reality TV.

Beyond her physical appearance, the husband levels additional accusations at his wife. He characterizes her as “incredibly selfish, whiny, greedy, narcissistic, and drives me nuts.” The negativity in his description of his wife’s personality adds another layer to the troubling portrait he paints.

Divorce vs. Infidelity:

Despite his apparent discontent with the marriage, the husband indicates that he has no immediate plans for divorce. He justifies his decision by suggesting that it would be better for their child’s development to have both parents around. Instead, he has embarked on a path of infidelity, confessing to sleeping with one of his wife’s friends, who is engaged, and one of his married coworkers. He openly states that he has “no intention of stopping” these extramarital affairs, asserting that the only benefit of being married is that it provides him with more opportunities to cheat.

Public Reaction and Criticism:

The anonymous Redditor’s shocking confession did not go unnoticed on the platform. The online community reacted strongly to his post, expressing their outrage and disapproval. One commenter labeled him a “narcissist,” highlighting the egocentric nature of his actions. Another comment implored him to seek a divorce, stating, “Your wife may be unattractive, and you have fallen out of love, but if you’re going to cheat, why do it with a married person or soon-to-be married?”

The public’s reaction also brought to light the hypocrisy of the author’s judgments. While he criticized his wife for being “selfish,” “greedy,” and a “narcissist,” commenters pointed out that he exhibited similar characteristics by engaging in infidelity and rationalizing his actions. The commentary emphasized the deteriorating state of the marriage and the urgent need for a resolution.

Narcissism and Infidelity: A Broader Perspective:

This disturbing Reddit post serves as a grim example of the damaging consequences of narcissism and infidelity within a relationship. Narcissism, characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy, and a need for admiration, can lead to destructive behaviors and the devaluation of a partner. In this case, the author’s narcissistic traits are evident in his derogatory remarks about his wife, his lack of remorse for cheating, and his focus on his own desires.

Infidelity, on the other hand, is a betrayal of trust within a committed relationship. It often stems from unmet emotional or physical needs, dissatisfaction, or conflicts within the marriage. In this case, the husband’s infidelity appears to be a response to his dissatisfaction with his wife’s physical appearance and perceived personality changes. However, it is important to note that infidelity is not a solution to marital problems and can lead to further emotional trauma and relationship deterioration.

Navigating Marital Struggles and Seeking Solutions:

This Reddit post underscores the importance of open communication and seeking solutions when faced with marital challenges. When partners encounter issues in their relationship, it is essential to engage in honest and empathetic discussions, work on understanding each other’s perspectives, and explore potential remedies. Whether it be through couples therapy, personal growth, or the decision to separate, there are healthier ways to address marital dissatisfaction than resorting to infidelity and hurtful comments.


The Reddit post in question provides a disturbing glimpse into the mind of an individual who has chosen to engage in infidelity while harshly criticizing his wife’s appearance and personality. It serves as a reminder of the destructive power of narcissism and infidelity within a relationship. The public reaction to the post highlights the need for more empathetic and constructive approaches to addressing marital struggles. While the circumstances of this case are deeply troubling, they also serve as a catalyst for discussions on how to navigate and resolve complex relationship issues. Ultimately, the journey to a healthier and happier partnership requires understanding, compassion, and a willingness to work together toward a resolution.

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