Viral: Streamer Licks Used Gums on Seattle’s Iconic Gum Wall

Viral: Streamer Licks Used Gums on Seattle’s Iconic Gum Wall

In a bizarre and revolting incident that has recently made headlines, a Twitch streamer known as xoAeriel decided to push the boundaries of shock value content by licking and chewing on old and used pieces of gum adhered to Seattle’s iconic Gum Wall. The video of this shocking act quickly went viral, causing a mixture of outrage and disbelief among viewers. In this article, we will delve into the details of the incident, the reactions it garnered, and the cultural significance of the Gum Wall itself.

The Shocking Act

The incident began when xoAeriel, a content creator on the popular streaming platform Twitch, decided to engage in an outrageous stunt in front of Seattle’s famous Gum Wall, located under Pike Place Market in Downtown Seattle. This wall, which has been accumulating gum since the 1990s, has become a quirky symbol of the city’s unique character.

The video opens with xoAeriel standing in front of the Gum Wall, where she promptly sticks out her tongue and licks the wall itself. As if that wasn’t enough to elicit disgust, she then proceeds to chew a piece of used gum that was hanging from the wall. All the while, the video captures the horrified and disgusted reactions of onlookers in the background.

xoAeriel’s Statement

After the video went viral and drew significant attention, xoAeriel provided some insight into her motivations and the process behind her shocking act. She shared with Dexerto that she had intentionally placed over 100 pieces of gum on the wall prior to recording the video, all while wearing gloves. She explained, “So, it’s still kind of disgusting, and I did get really sick from it. But I didn’t actually lick random people’s gum.” This clarification is important as it distinguishes her stunt from the act of licking random, unidentifiable pieces of gum, which would have added another layer of repulsion to the situation.

The Video’s Impact and Reactions

The video of xoAeriel’s Gum Wall stunt made its way to other platforms, and reactions were swift and intense. Some viewers were utterly repulsed by the act, with comments expressing sentiments of disgust and disbelief. One user exclaimed, “I literally cringed, this is disgusting.” Another added, “I am about to throw up.” A third user noted, “She even moved her hair out of the way to have perfect ‘ima do something disgusting’ form. Wow.” Finally, a fourth viewer remarked, “Omfg some people will do anything for attention.”

This strong negative reaction from viewers is not surprising, as the act of licking and chewing gum that had been previously used by countless strangers is undeniably unhygienic and gross. Many individuals find it difficult to comprehend why someone would willingly engage in such behavior for the sake of internet notoriety.

filmiii-Viral: Streamer Licks Used Gums on Seattle's Iconic Gum Wall

The Significance of Seattle’s Gum Wall

The Gum Wall, situated beneath Pike Place Market in Seattle, is more than just a curious collection of chewed gum; it has evolved into a symbolic representation of the city’s charm and character. The Gum Wall’s origins date back to the 1990s when local performers first began sticking their used gum to the wall. As the years passed, it became a tradition for both locals and tourists to add their own gum to the ever-growing mosaic. The wall is now covered from brick to brick in layers of multicolored gum, creating a unique and visually striking display.

The official website dedicated to the Gum Wall explains that it has become a quirky part of Seattle’s cultural identity. Visitors from all over the world come to see and contribute to this ever-evolving work of art. The wall, which has been cleaned multiple times due to concerns about its structural integrity, remains a fascinating testament to human creativity, expression, and a shared sense of community, albeit in an unconventional form.


In summary, xoAeriel’s shocking act of licking and chewing on used gum from Seattle’s Gum Wall has captured widespread attention and generated a significant amount of controversy. While the act itself is undeniably repulsive and has garnered strong negative reactions from viewers, it also highlights the extent to which some individuals are willing to go for online notoriety. Seattle’s Gum Wall, on the other hand, represents a unique and unconventional form of art and cultural expression, making it a cherished symbol of the city’s charm and character. The incident involving xoAeriel serves as a stark reminder that in the age of social media and online content creation, the boundaries of what is deemed shocking or outrageous continue to be pushed, sometimes to extreme and unsettling lengths.

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