Britney Spears, in her upcoming memoir, reveals a deeply personal and previously undisclosed experience from her past: she became pregnant by Justin Timberlake and had an abortion.

The excerpt from her book, "The Woman in Me," published by People, discusses the unexpected pregnancy and the differing viewpoints Spears and Timberlake had regarding it.

Spears expresses her love for Timberlake and her expectation of having a family with him, though not this early in their lives.

Justin Timberlake was not happy about the pregnancy and felt that they were not ready to have a child.

Spears' candidness about her pregnancy and abortion emphasizes the emotional conflict she faced during that period.

This revelation remained hidden for over two decades, highlighting the power of privacy even in the era of intense media scrutiny.

Both Spears and Timberlake moved on to different phases in their lives, with Spears marrying Kevin Federline and having two sons, and Timberlake marrying Jessica Biel and becoming a father to two sons.

Britney Spears' memoir, "The Woman in Me," is set to be published on October 24 and is expected to reveal many aspects of her life.

The disclosure has prompted a wide range of reactions from the public, with some praising Spears for her courage and others speculating on the timing and motivations behind the revelation.

This revelation also brings attention to the balance between privacy and the life of a celebrity, and how the public perceives and places expectations on them.

The importance of open and honest dialogue about personal choices and life experiences is underscored by Spears' disclosure.

1. Britney Spears' memoir is expected to provide an intimate and revealing look into her life and experiences as one of the most iconic figures in pop culture.